Recurring subscribtions B2B & B2C

It is great fun to work with a young brand like Mobile Pay. We were asked to make a film that would tell customers about a new subscription feature. For a long time, we had an idea using only FEET but it was trashed in the end - and we made this one long animation that flows from one scene to another. 

Art direction


Selected Works

When Tech SparksWebinar concept

Pakke dk RedesignUx/Ui Design

Out of the OrdinarySocial Media

Heart of BollnäsArt installation

Code of conductIllustration

Star impactUnity VFX

IBM WatsonExplainer Animation

NordeaEVP Campaign

Danske BankInfographic

MiljøministerietPublic Campaign

GEAExplainer film

Mobile PayB2B Animation

IBMExhibition Design

Panzer GeeksGame Art Direction

Burning BearBrand identity design

Take Me HomeProduct design

Ørsted DayExperience design