Mockups Design

Various infographics

Art Direction

Adding visual appeal to your numbers

Great infographics is not just a matter of pie charts and diagrams. It can be an extremely creative task to find the right way to communicate certain content. On this page I've collected some different examples of my work.

iMac_DBcase 02

Above we see some SoMe posts that should contain a simple infographic to highlight some new statistics.

The left and below we see how I used the Swipe feature from Mobile Pay as a core element in communication a year in numbers.


Selected Works

When Tech SparksWebinar concept

Pakke dk RedesignUx/Ui Design

Out of the OrdinarySocial Media

Heart of BollnäsArt installation

Code of conductIllustration

Star impactUnity VFX

IBM WatsonExplainer Animation

NordeaEVP Campaign

Danske BankInfographic

MiljøministerietPublic Campaign

GEAExplainer film

Mobile PayB2B Animation

IBMExhibition Design

Panzer GeeksGame Art Direction

Burning BearBrand identity design

Take Me HomeProduct design

Ørsted DayExperience design