
Public Art

Lead Artist & Concept creator. Pitch 

5 Bridges

The city of Söderhamn is transforming. The citizens whish for a more open, sustainable, and dynamic city. Recreational areas and new architecture will energize the city center around the canal and strengthen the citizens’ self-perception of an evolving city. These changes are all about creating a dynamic city center - connecting north and south. The inhabitants of Söderhamn represent the energy that passes between north and south. The city is connected by 5 different bridges. How can art contribute to the city dynamic? This was the task,



Is in the stream underneath the bridges, electricity, and the uncontrollable stream of people passing the bridges. 

Every day the number of people passing the bridges will be slightly different and some bridges will be used more than others. Ström will compensate and move energy to the least energetic spots.


Whenever someone passes one bridge – another bridge will slightly light up. Creating a colored glow in the water and the hollow space underneath the bridge.

As more people pass one bridge the other bridges will light up more. This will pull attention and be an incentive to go there instead.

In this way, Ström encourages all bridges to be used and balance the stream of energy – creating a connection between the bridges from east to west and between the people using the bridges.


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